- Legalization at the best prices;
- Cadastre and maintenance of surveys;
- Development of a situational plan and terrain situation;
- Identification of cadastral parcels and buildings;
- Surveying of buildings in the land cadastre and real estate cadastre;
- Renovation of plot boundaries (delimitation);
- Division of plots in the land cadastre and real estate cadastre;
- All services for the needs of expertise;
- Demarcation of plots;
- Division of plots;
- Cadastral-topographic plan;
- Situations;
- Geodetic marking project;
- Field of construction: road construction, hydro construction, land reclamation, irrigation systems, drainage, hydropower plants
- Realization of the project of geodetic marking;
- Design and construction of infrastructure facilities and facilities
- Jobs in the field of applied geodesy, engineering geodesy and photogrammetry;
- Recording of underground and overhead lines - installation;
- Sketches of apartments and shops;
- Geodetic observation of the building;
- Geodetic survey;
- Recording of the performed condition;
- Marking of buildings;
- Marking of buildings for construction (building and civil engineering);
- Recording of facilities for legalization and registration in the cadastral land register;
- Simulation of details for the development of situational and cadastral topographic plans;
- Expropriation and consolidation activities;
- Engineering activities and technical consulting;
- Etc ...
Legalization - "Legalization"
Legalization of a building (legalization) is a process of subsequent obtaining of a use permit for illegally constructed buildings, which is accomplished with proof of ownership of the building and the Report on the current condition, along with the submitted request for legalization. An illegally constructed facility is considered to be a facility that was built without a construction permit, ie a construction permit, as well as a facility that has a construction permit that was deviated from during construction.